Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Kode Eror

Kode Error Canon Fotocopy
Pada layar control panel mesin fotocopy sering muncul kode eror khusus nya pada saat mesin
fotocopy anda rusak. arti dan maksud kode tersebut menujukan kerusakan atau kesalahan pada bagian tertentu, sehingga anda dapat mengatasinya sendiri atau meminta bantuan teknisi,  ketika anda
menghubungi teknisi atau service representative anda harus mencatat atau menyebutkan Kode Eror tersebut kepada teknisi, untuk kebutuhan peralatan atau sparepart. 

E000   The fixing temperature does not go up after turning ON the power due to a fault in the     thermistor or the heater, etc., (e.g. It does not reach 70°C degrees within 2 min.)        Related fixing unit.
E001   The fixing temperature abnormally goes up due to a fault in the thermistor or SSR, etc.
E002   The fixing temperature does not reach a specific temperature due to a fault in the thermistor or the heater, etc.e.g) The fixing temperature does not go up to 190°C degrees within 5 min after reaching 70°C degrees.
E003    The fixing temperature drops abnormally after wait time is up due to a fault in the thermistor, the heater, etc. (e.g. After wait time is up, the fixing temperature drops to 70°C degrees).
E004    A short circuit in the fixing heater drive circuit (SSR, etc) is detected.
E005    The fixing web is wound up completely.
E006    The fixing drawer connector is not connected as the front door is closed.
E007    The fixing film is off to the side.
E008    A specific number of copies are made after the machine detects that fixing oil is out. Since a user cannot re-supply fixing oil, the error code is indicated.
E009    The rated voltages of the power supply and the fixing unit do not match.

Error diatas adalah seputar Pemanas unit.

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Telp SMS WA 0813 2109 0668.

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